
Suspense is a powerful story-telling technique that we see quite a lot in thrillers, horror, action and  more. Suspense is a great way to blend tension, quick and slow pacing, plot

The lone wolf character archetype is one that we’ve seen quite often in books, movies, video games, and more. The idea of the lone wolf is complex and intriguing and can

Villains are some of the most versatile, dynamic, and interesting characters in any story. A well-developed, compelling villain will make a reader more engaged with the story versus a story where

Our schedules oftentimes aren’t our best friends, and during our busy periods, it can be hard to make time for the hobbies and things that we enjoy doing. I relate strongly

Creating lore is a very big part of in-depth world building that can really add a lot to your overall story, give context for the way the world is, and provide

A few years ago, I remember when every YA book that seemed to come out had to be a dystopian. The stories usually followed the pattern of despotic government overtakes an

One of the most important elements you need to decide when you go to write a novel is the setting of your story. The setting plays a major role in everything,

In medieval times, we often hear about the heroic knight who takes on the dragon and saves the princess. Now, a lot of people have gotten a bit tired of this

One of the biggest self-publishing platforms for authors nowadays has to be, without a doubt, Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). Amazon actually got its start as a bookstore. Since then, it’s

A lot of the posts I make tend to revolve around fantasy novels and books. Beyond fantasy being my favorite genre, fantasy tends to be one of the best for expressing

Fantasy and romance are each some of the biggest genres in literature out there and have been some of the biggest for what feels like forever. Now, of course, there are

Romance is written in a number of different ways, depending on if it’s the focus of the story or if it exists within the story’s plot, but not as the main

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