
Anybody who’s ever taken some sort of a creative writing course will probably tell you that one of the first things you learn about is this idea of “show, don’t tell.”

World building is something that I often talk about on my blog (obviously!) and I love to world build. And by love, I mean I LOVE LOVE LOVE doing all things

Psychopaths. We often hear the word psychopath get thrown around when referring to evil, awful, or just downright terrible people. The word itself just has a negative connotation to it, and

Far too often, we hear writers talk about how the idea of a “chosen one” has been done time and time again and that the trope should be dropped. In fact,

There are many forms of fantasy out there, with there existing multiple subgenres available to read for all sorts of wants and likes. Fantasy has bridged reality with imagination, offering readers

When you go to write a book, I’m sure all you can think about is how your plot will be. Who your characters are. What the major fight scenes will look

Writing a novel is obviously not an easy task, but one of the ways we as writers can facilitate it is by drafting a novel outline. An outline is basically a

Fantasy is a very popular form of literature that has been present in human history. We love to create new, fantastic and wonderous worlds where anything and everything can happen. Most

When you first go to write a book, one of the most important things you need to do before you even start writing is to determine what type of character you

Fantasy novels often include epic battle scenes, whether it be to advance the plot or characterize or world-build. Whatever the reason, epic battle scenes help to captivate readers and the best

Writer’s block is one of those things that no writer can really ever avoid. It also often a frustrating and discouraging part of writing that can sometimes ruin the flow, fun,

Fantasy is one of those genres that relies a lot on the ability of the writer to imagine new worlds and ideas in order to grow a story. World building is

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