
One of the biggest self-publishing platforms for authors nowadays has to be, without a doubt, Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). Amazon actually got its start as a bookstore. Since then, it’s

A lot of the posts I make tend to revolve around fantasy novels and books. Beyond fantasy being my favorite genre, fantasy tends to be one of the best for expressing

Fantasy and romance are each some of the biggest genres in literature out there and have been some of the biggest for what feels like forever. Now, of course, there are

Romance is written in a number of different ways, depending on if it’s the focus of the story or if it exists within the story’s plot, but not as the main

Villains are among the most popular characters in fictional stories. Take a look at Star Wars for instance, where everybody seems to love the villain Darth Vader. There are also plenty

Self-publishing is certainly not a new phenomenon in the book world, but it’s definitely been gaining some traction and has been increasing in popularity more and more over the past few

As a writer and author, I’ve always looked for tools that facilitate the writing process and make it more user-friendly, intuitive, organized, or just plain easier. Of course, when I first

If you picked up a random book from your local bookstore, chances are you’ll find that it was written in one of the two perspectives: First- or third-person, and less commonly

At the core of a story is the idea of conflict. Conflict allows for a plot to be driven forward, create relationships, and build tension in a story. Without conflict, stories

Writing a book is not an easy task, and I certainly can attest that it could take significantly more than a month to complete the writing process from start to finish.

Fantasy is often attributed to the world of ancient tribes and medieval kingdoms where we have knights and dragons and wizards. Overall, fantasy has long held a very Medieval European sort

If there’s one tool almost every writer swears by, it’s Scrivener. And yes, I’m one of those writers who swears by Scrivener. I remember back in eighth grade when my English