Update 1: Chaos Eve and The Fallen Age Saga

chaos eve book 3 of the fallen age saga update

Table of Contents

This is going to be the first of these kinds of blog posts that I put up, and this is a lot less of an educational thing and more of an update for anyone who likes to check into my blog on a regular basis. As you probably know from the front page of my website at this point, I am currently working on Book 3 of The Fallen Age Saga, which is confirmed to be titled Chaos Eve and will feature quite a lot of elements that are going to be a bit different compared to the first two titles. So, this is a bit of an update on where I’m at with Chaos Eve as well as what’s next for the series. 

(affiliate disclaimer: some of the links in this post are affiliate links which means that I make a small commission at no additional cost to you when you purchase something through my links). 

Word Count

So, the first really big thing I want to share is the word count, which I know is a big deal for some readers who like to know how many words are in a book they’re currently reading. I personally research the word count of books because I like to know how many words a writer decided to write. It started when I read The Way of Kings and realized that books could be quite long… very long. 

In any case, for the series so far, the word counts look like this: 

These are pure approximations, but these are the most relevant word counts that I would say match the series so far. I am currently working on reformatting Books 1 and 2 and will be selling new versions of them very soon with better covers and interiors (I finally ditched Microsoft Word for interior formatting, which was a nightmare on its own). 

For Book 3 so far… the word count is looking LONG. I am a little over halfway I’d say now and I’m at nearly 100K words. I’m thinking this book might tip towards the 200K direction, and that’s going to be a big step for the series because I’m planning on making everything after it about that length or more. 

I thought about splitting Book 3 into two books, but I honestly felt like it would do the story a disservice because the events in Book 3 need to be in one book. Putting them into two wouldn’t make sense at all, and you’ll see why once the book is available for purchase. 

POVs and Perspectives

Now, the next thing I want to cover are the points of view that we get in the story, or the multiple character perspectives that are present. As you may know by now if you’ve read Books 1 and 2, I throw a mix of first-person with third-person point of view and I have multiple character perspectives, especially in Book 2

This trend will of course continue into Book 3 and beyond, but Book 3 is going to feature several more first-person perspective viewpoints and will feature more third-person perspectives than Book 2 did. So, the grand scale of Book 3 is significantly more. 

You’re going to get more Ones Above, more Blackridge, more aliens, and a ton of war and espionage in this book. So, yes, there has to be the presence of multiple perspectives, otherwise it won’t work. 

World Building

I wanted this series to be a bit different from other fantasy series where you get a lot of the world in Book 1. I wanted Book 1 to sort of throw you into the loop alongside Blide and to actually see the rest of the story grow from there, because the events of Book 1 are sort of like the breaking point for whatever happens in the rest of the series. 

So, Book 3 is going to be much more world building-heavy compared to Book 1 and you’re going to actually learn a ton about the universe in The Fallen Age Saga, and it’s going to get a bit crazy but it’ll all make sense. I promise. 

Once it makes sense to me, of course. 

I’m just kidding! No, I’m going to make it so that you can understand what’s happening, obviously, but the world building plays a really big role in Book 3 compared to Book 1, so I’m just letting you know ahead of time how it’ll feel. 

Cover Reveal?

Not yet, sorry! I’m going to be working with my cover designer (my very talented sister) soon to work on Book 3’s cover, but right now, we’re more focused on getting some really awesome stuff to help you guys out with world building and story writing soon, so you can be rest assured that there’s going to be quite a lot of things dropping on the website soon (and a new look). 

The cover is going to be following a similar theme to the new updated covers, so you can anticipate that it’ll have similar visual elements. It’s just going to be a much bigger book, so yeah. 

Release Date

There is not currently a set release date as I am not close enough to finishing it to give you one, but I can assure you that there will be one coming soon because I will be close to that point very soon, I anticipate. As I said, this is a much longer book, so it is requiring a lot more planning on my end than Book 1 and 2 required. Still, I will be updating my website once a release date is ready, so don’t worry. 

For now, if you haven’t read The Fallen Age Saga, you should do so before Book 3 drops and you should sign up for my newsletter because you’ll be the first to hear about any updates then! You’ll also get updates on any WIPs and a lot more cool stuff if you do sign up. 

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