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If you want to write a story that is not fully romance, but you still want to include some element of romance in the overall plot, then you’re probably looking to

Many writers nowadays are choosing to create stories centered around a female protagonist, and while some do a great job, others miss the mark in a number of ways. Many times,

I know that themes often tend to be one of those things we dread having to analyze in English class, but as writers, themes are actually very helpful to include in

When it comes to telling stories, most of the books you’ll end up reading are very heavily character-driven. What this means is that you need to focus on properly developing your

Research is a very important task that is often honed-in on a lot in English classes, but it is a vital thing to understand for almost every discipline of study out

The idea of myth and mythology has been existent in the human world for centuries, with ancient myths still being told to this very day. I can’t really think of a

The plot of your story is essentially the skeleton that you will need to fill in with words. The plot outlines everything major in your story, such as the beginning, the

I’m a big fan of the romantasy genre and it’s really an enjoyable subgenre of both fantasy and romance. Romantasy revolves around a romance story that is set in the context

Self-publishing is not a new concept, but it’s definitely picked up a lot in recent years. For a long time, there was a sort of reputation that had been built up

If you’re looking to get serious about world building, whether that be for your next book, a video game, your next DND campaign, or just because you plain feel like world

One of my favorite genres in literature aside from fantasy has to be the thriller genre. It also happens to be one of my favorites in movies and TV shows as

A prologue often sits at the very beginning of the book and serves as a sort of strange introduction to the story you’re about to read. At first, the prologue may

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