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Psychological thrillers rely on crafting a thriller around the human psyche, exploring complex themes and blurring the lines between the concepts of sanity and insanity. Although psychological thrillers follow the same

The unreliable narrator is a tool that many writers use in stories to add more depth and mystery behind a plot. The narrative technique revolves around a narrator who delivers readers

Most books are written in the format of chapters, where each chapter follows a piece of a stream of events. Chapters makes it significantly easier to digest a story, and it

One of the most popular story structures has to be the hero’s journey, otherwise known as the monomyth. The hero’s journey has been used for centuries to structure many stories, and

With the recent popularity of romantasy, or romantic fantasy stories, and the popularity of booktok, there’s been a lot of talk about romance tropes that we all know and love and

Horror is one of the most popular genres in movies, gaming, and books out there. We have a whole month pretty much dedicated to all things spooky and scary and horror

As a fan of science fiction and fantasy, I always love to see books from both genres and even books that combine them. However, there is a big difference between science-fiction

Fantasy is a large umbrella term that encapsulates several different forms of fantasy, such as grimdark, light fantasy, high fantasy, epic fantasy, and more. I’ve actually discussed what grimdark fantasy is

Many books out there are written from a single perspective of a single character, however there are also many stories that explore several other perspectives. This can be done in first

One of the most popular age ranges for books has to be the young adult (YA) range. YA has been growing for quite some time and some of the biggest and

Foreshadowing is one of the most important tools used by writers in literature to try and create a level of suspense and intrigue in their stories. The idea of foreshadowing is

Humor is something I honestly love adding into even the darkest of my stories. I think that in a way, humor is something that we as humans all share a love

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