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When we write books, we often tend to gravitate much of our focus towards the main characters and protagonists of the story and sometimes find ourselves possibly neglecting secondary characters. Secondary
Freelancing is one of the most popular career paths as of late with many people looking to take charge of their work, and build their own business from the ground up.
One of the most important parts about writing any manuscript isn’t really just the writing part. Sure, that’s certainly important, but what’s truly important is the idea of editing and revision.
Romance is an ever-growing genre and is still one of the most popular genres out there to this very day. For most of history, we find evidence of romance in literature
There are many different character archetypes that exist out there, from the heroic knight to the villainous villains, but there are also characters that fall between different pre-existing archetypes and one
Oftentimes, when we try to describe our books, it’s more than just describing a genre or a plotline, but also more of describing the feeling that our books have or the
While writing a story, you may have heard the term “climax” used to reference something that exists in the plot of a book. The climax is present in nearly every story
Once you set foot into your first lecture at university, you’ll probably already find yourself juggling multiple assignments, tests, projects, in-class activities and more. It feels like you’re ALWAYS catching up
England is a nation that has a rich and complex history that stretches across centuries. The history of England is full of drama, powerful kings, and wars that have shaped much
Many times, inspiration can come from the most random of things, but other times, it feels like inspiration for our writing is just dry. Writer’s block often hits us at the
Most stories out there include some sort of situation that tests characters in the book, and many stories also contain character deaths that play a major role in the overall way
Writing a book is something that is a lot of fun and has great reward-potential, but it also requires a good amount of time invested into it as a task. Between