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There are many different character archetypes that exist out there, from the heroic knight to the villainous villains, but there are also characters that fall between different pre-existing archetypes and one

Oftentimes, when we try to describe our books, it’s more than just describing a genre or a plotline, but also more of describing the feeling that our books have or the

While writing a story, you may have heard the term “climax” used to reference something that exists in the plot of a book. The climax is present in nearly every story

Once you set foot into your first lecture at university, you’ll probably already find yourself juggling multiple assignments, tests, projects, in-class activities and more. It feels like you’re ALWAYS catching up

England is a nation that has a rich and complex history that stretches across centuries. The history of England is full of drama, powerful kings, and wars that have shaped much

Many times, inspiration can come from the most random of things, but other times, it feels like inspiration for our writing is just dry. Writer’s block often hits us at the

Most stories out there include some sort of situation that tests characters in the book, and many stories also contain character deaths that play a major role in the overall way

Writing a book is something that is a lot of fun and has great reward-potential, but it also requires a good amount of time invested into it as a task. Between

An author is not simply just an author these days, as social media has taken off and has created a new world for marketing opportunities. As a result of this, becoming

Writing a book is one of the most exciting and difficult creative processes to engage in. Whether you are driven by a compulsion to share a story, to convey information to

Ancient Rome has always been a favorite era in history of mine to learn about and the effects of how Ancient Rome functioned is still very clearly present to this very

Self-publishing is a journey that can feel often complicated and intense, but is also exciting and rewarding. I have personally always been a big supporter of writers choosing to self-publish and

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