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I finally got a chance to watch Ms. Marvel’s first episode and I didn’t really have many high expectations going in. However, I was left pleasantly surprised by the first installment

Okay, so I didn’t go clinically insane, if that’s what you’re wondering. However, I have definitely spent long hours of my day pondering over why my Age of Empires strategy sucked

(originally posted on The DZSH Group) If you’re struggling with your grades or with procrastination, then you’ve probably found yourself thinking that there’s no way to fix it. That the situation

(Originally posted to The DZSH Group) Ever since I was a kid, all I wanted to do was to become an author. It was my biggest dream and I wanted it

If you haven’t figured it out yet, I’m not just an author: I’m also an avid fan of video games. I play anything from tactical shooters to fantasy RPGs and I

It’s going to take time, but that time is definitely worth it. One day, I just sat there and decided that I wanted to become a graphic designer. There was no

If you’ve ever wondered how some of those YouTube thumbnails or Instagram posts look so good, then chances are, you’ve probably come across someone that uses Canva. You see, Canva is

I feel like iPads have become synonymous with the idea of people who just have their life all figured out. People who have zero issues in the world. They’re just living

In the spirit of film reviews–which I love to do because I have opinions on everything–I watched another movie the other day. My mom and I were scrolling through Netflix and

Prismacolors, Crayola…there are so many different colored pencil brands that exist out in the vast expanse of the world. I’ve personally used so many different brands, that I may not even

Long, convoluted, boring, and confusing. I really didn’t like this movie. I’m sad to admit that. I hate to say it, people, but I really didn’t like Marvel Eternals much. Actually,

We are ambitious people. After all, we are indeed human beings. Writers are especially caught up in their work, designing stories and creating masterpieces. However, if you’re new to writing, don’t